Shuttle Train of Chittagoing University
Rhythmic sounds of shuttle train, romance on hanging bridge and gossiping students at Jarul Tola-Jhupri-Zero Point add even more buzz to the eco-friendly campus.
Chittagong University is one of the two universities in the world which has the glory to have its own shuttle train. After initiating the shuttle, it has affixed a new chapter in the history of the university. Generally two shuttles ply from town to campus and vice versa, carrying hundreds of students all through the day.
Each bogey of the shuttles is creatively named such as Ekakar, Ulka, Shampan, Bijoy, CFC, Varsity Express, etc by the bogey centred political activists. Though bogey politics exists no longer, but the names still are imprinted on each bogey. In the morning, when students get down from the train and march towards their faculty they look like a huge rally. Everyday many funny, odd, ludicrous episodes of so many students revolve centring this shuttle. Now, let me take you to an imaginary ride in the shuttle:
The very first common sight seen in the shuttle every day, at the time of going and returning, is hurrying to find suitable seats. Maximum students find it a great fun and comfort to sit along with their friends. So, there is a tendency among them to take possession of seats for their friends or nearest ones (boyfriend or girlfriend) by putting books, khatas, newspapers, bags and even by umbrellas on the empty seats!
Sometimes, it is pre-determined among friends who will come early in the morning and keep seats for the rest of the members of their circle. Hence, it is very usual that someone (who comes late or has no friend to hold seat) might not find a single seat to sit, as all are already booked or encroached! Seats are everywhere, but not a single seat to sit on!
Shuttle is the heart for the bogey singers and sounders in their 22-kilometer journey, because they cannot but sit idly without singing. In almost every
bogey there is a chorus group who amuses the rest of the travellers by their melodious tune and pop sounds. There are lyricists, composers and singers in every group. Parodies written by the bogey lyricists make us laugh and give immense pleasure.
Mentionable note in this regard is that many of country's renowned singers like Partho Barua have ripened their voice in this shuttle train. Students enjoy a lot and often harmonize their voices with the singers, making their one-hour journey an enjoyable one. Time flies, old one goes, new singer comes, but singing is never stopped!
A group of lad- hawkers are always ready in the Sholosohor station to get into every morning shuttle and make 'apus and vaiyas' convince buy newspapers from them. Most of them are from the slums adjacent to railway area, and, sometimes, unfortunately, these little boys (the destitute) are the only bread winners of their families. Very often they are prone to adhere to certain apus until they are persuaded to buy newspapers or other materials from them. Maybe, it is somewhat easier to win over the apus than the vaiyas!
Shuttle train is a dating vehicle for the couples of CU! It is a great privilege for them to spend their romantic moments keeping their hands together, sitting side by side, in the shuttle. They may miss the classes but will never miss the shuttle journey! Sometimes it seems they are lost in an imaginary land listening to the music of the shuttle singers. And, unbuttoned nature adds spice to their romance. Their presence is noteworthy in the twilight trains.
Another common happening seen in the shuttle is the shuttling of mendicants, urging money from the students. Though some are physically handicapped and really helpless, the rest are just the opportunists. Someday if you visit the shuttle train, you must find some bookworms absorbed in study only. No matter what is going on around. Sometimes they are labelled to be atel by many of the students.
Again, some gossip-lovers will seize your eyes if you, somehow, find yourself beside them. They are incapable to shut their mouth for a single moment during the shuttle journey. Most commonly, girls are experts in this segment.
---Abu Sufian
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